Friday, August 17, 2007

That New Lease on Life....

So I'm cruising in my '07 Vue blasting Areosmith's rockin' hit "Living on the Edge," when it suddenly occurs to me: "Am I too gangsta? Am I too hardcore and menacing for this world?" I just might be. So I decide to tone it down a bit. I bust out the Lionel Ritchie, mellow out the vibe and siesta, fiesta, foreva, togetha, all night long. So anyway, I'm driving along, right, and I think one day I'm gonna buy me one of them monster semi trucks with a huge state of the art, futuristic trailer with lights on it, and I'll rendezvous with it on the highway, see, and its back doors will fly open and lower a ramp for me to climb into. I'll be like Knight Rider, man. Imagine the envy of the other motorists as I ride off, safely docked inside my own personal headquarters on wheels, my mobile mechanical womb, spiriting me away deep into the night to some secret sanctuary far away from civilization--a thousand miles away, you might say...

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